Page 64 - Unione Radioamatori Italiani - Gennaio 2023
P. 64

included in the HI Power category. It is not possible to change ca-      te in at least three phases (step) of the Contest. The final rankings
              tegory  or  Call  during  the  Contest  phases.  Names  not  allowed:    will be two for each category:
              Call/p or Call/m. You can participate, indifferently, in Portable or     - only Italians ranking, power up to 100 W;
              Fixed. For the calculation of the QRB, the Locator declared at the       - only Foreigners ranking, power up to 100 W;
              time of compiling the .EDI file to be sent will be valid.                - only Italians ranking, power over 100 W;

              QSO Validity                                                             - only Foreigners ranking, power over 100 W.
              For the QSO to be considered valid, it must contain the following        Awards
              information: UTC time, name of correspondent, reports sent and           For each final ranking, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Italian and the 1st, 2nd,
              received, progressive number and 6 digits Locator of the comple-         3rd  Foreign  will  be  awarded  with  a  Diploma.  A  Gadget  will  be

              te correspondent (QSOs with 4-digit Locator will be invalid).            sent to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Italian and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Foreigner
              Score                                                                    who will have participated in at least three phases of the Contest.
              For each QSO, a point per km will be obtained, based on the cal-         All participants who have sent the Log will receive a Certificate of
              culation  of  the  QRB  between  the  Locators  (6-digit)  declared.     Participation via e-mail.

              When checking, the QRB between the two stations will be recal-           Sending Logs
              culated  by  the  Contest  Manager  software.  The  total  of  QRB       The Logs  must be in  .EDI format and must  have the file name:
              points will be multiplied by the number of Squares connected for         “category_Call_phase” (i.e. 01_ik6lmb_01.edi). Logs must be sent
              the first time (JN63, JN33, JM78, ...). For example: for 13,245 QRB      exclusively to the e-mail within 8 days from the
              points  and  15  Squares,  the  Phase  Total  Score  will  be  equal  to   date of the Contest (second Monday after the competition), indi-

              13,245 · 15 = 198,675 points. In each phase of the Contest it will       cating  as  the  subject  of  the  e-mail:  “Log  U.R.I.  month  ...  from
              be possible to reconnect the same Locators (6-digit).                    (Name)”.
              Rankings                                                                 Control Log
              Each phase will have its ranking for Italian an Foreign stations di-     All received Logs will participate in the various rankings except:
              vided into two categories. At the end of the four phases, the final      a) Logs sent late (within the 3  Monday after the competition);
              ranking will be drawn up, given by the sum of the total scores of        b) upon request.
              each phase. To participate in the final ranking you must participa-      All the OMs who want to participate in the final ranking of the

            Q TC             U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani                          Anno     8°  -   N.   76   -   Ge nnai o   202 3         Pag.    64

                                                                                                                                                     Pag. 64
                                                                                            Anno 8° - N. 76 - Gennaio 2023

                                                  e Radioamato
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69