Page 65 - Unione Radioamatori Italiani - Gennaio 2023
P. 65
Contest, even with just one QSO, must send the Log extract wi-
thin the set time frame.
Further notes
The rankings of each phase and the final one will be published on
U.R.I. website and on
a) The decisions of the Contest Manager are final.
b) After the publication of the final rankings on the website, the date indicated in the margin will be
effective. Participants will have 15 days for any requests for
corrections; after this deadline, the rankings will be final and
the decisions of the Contest Manager will be final.
c) The rules are on the U.R.I website or on
Data processing
By sending the Log, the participant ACCEPTS that the Contest Or-
ganizer may mark, modify, publish, republish, print and otherwise
distribute (by any means, including paper or electronic) the Log in Collabora anche tu con la Redazione
its original format, in any other format with or without modifica-
tions or combined with other compe- L’Unione Radioamatori Italiani ti offre uno spazio
titors Logs, for participation in the nel quale pubblicare e condividerei tuoi articoli,
foto ed esperienze legate al mondo radioamatoriale.
specific Contest, other Contests or for
Invia i tuoi articoli entro il 20 di ogni mese a:
other reasons, including the training
and development of the Amateur Ra-
dio activity.
Avrai possibilità di vederli pubblicati su QTC.
IK6LMB Massimo E ricorda di allegare una tua foto!
Contest Manager 2023
Q TC U.R. I. - Union e Radioamato ri Ita li ani Anno 8° - N. 76 - Ge nnai o 202 3 Pag. 65
U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani
Anno 8° - N. 76 - Gennaio 2023