Page 90 - Unione Radioamatori Italiani - Gennaio 2023
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and is keen on CW. She rag-chews with friends, chases DX and
                                                                                       takes part in contests. Although operating time is limited due to

                                                                                       the amount of school work she has. She first got into radio be-
                                                                                       cause of her dad (EI3KM) who took her along to local club events.

                                                                                       She is an active member of the Kerry Amateur Radio Group and
                                                                                       the National Short Wave Listeners Club.(NSWLC) in Ireland. She

                                                                                       started rag-chewing with friends in CW and now over 80% of her

                                                                                       QSOs are in CW.  She is an operator at EI7M, a Contest group in
                              Youngsters-On-The-Air                                    Cork,  Ireland.  While  her  main  interest  is  contesting,  she  likes
              Beatriz  Maria  Scaramelli  Rosa  Pata,  PU2PRM  (from  Campinas,        Award chasing and is currently trying to get  her DXCC. She also
              SP), who practices CW and is part of the CWSP operators group,           loves the social aspect of the hobby and meeting people that she
              now has a new call sign: PY2BIA. At age 13 she celebrates gaining        has met through radio, in person.
              her B-class . Beatriz is part of a family passionate about CW and
              amateur  radio.  Her  parents,  PY2PI  and  PY2QL  are  part  of  our    Women On The Radio Award, November 2022
              team.  Our  sincerest  congratulations  to  Beatriz  on  her  achieve-   Ham Radio Award by YL’s - This Award is designed to make visible
              ment! Certainly an example and pride for the CW Group of São             the activity of women in amateur radio and in support of Novem-
              Paulo.                                                                   ber  25  as  the  International  Day  for  the  Elimination  of  Violence
                                                                                       against Women. It is held annually during November (15 to 30th,
                   Irish Magic on Air                                                  2022) only SSB mode is used so that female voices are heard on

              Amateur Radio Europe, 12 Dec. 2022                                       the air. Award categories are named for outstanding women who
              The  World  Radio  Team  Champion-                                       have defended women’s rights:
              ships (WRTC), the Olympic Games of                                       2022 - Marie Curie, Hedy Lamarr & Valentina Tereshkova
              Amateur  radio,  are  held  every  four                                  The  WOTRA  Team  2022  (Awardng  stations  were):  Argentina  -
              years  and  will  be  held  in  Italy  in                                LU3FCA Patricia & LU3GDT Teresa; Cuba - CO8MGY Zulema; Spain
              2023.  For  the  first  time  since  the                                 -  EC!YL  Angelas;  Austria  -  HZ1HZ  /  OE3LZA  Laila;  Germany  -
              WRTC started, an Irish amateur will be competing. Megan EI5LA            DF4RBM Marleen & DL5PIA Petra; Ireland - EI5IXB Ana.
              along with Leon DL3ON will make up Youth Team 6 in the compe-  
              tition. EI5LA Megan Lorenz was licensed in Sept. 2021 at age 14          SmSFQdVF_JtxSp0d8HjAuzZs8ieUAoBrlJL2XwhlrpmI-mM

              Q TC           U.R.   I.   - -   Union e Radioamato     ri   Ita li ani       Anno     8°  - -   N.     76   - -   Ge nnai o   202 3    Pag.     90


                                                                                            Anno 8° - N. 76 - Gennaio 2023


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                             U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani

                                                  e Radioamato

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