Page 91 - Unione Radioamatori Italiani - Gennaio 2023
P. 91
Paty XE1SPM on Shark Island, and radio, to be in your own Shack, to feel the
Mexico December, 2022 bands at your finger-tips. This is not the case with
XF1S.Shark Island IOTA NA-167- was acti- remote ham radio. But there are other very im-
vated for the 1st time 4 -9, December, portant and pragmatic points that allow you to go
2022. A group of Mexican radio operators beyond local possibilities. I realized this when, at
put 4 stations on-air. Operators: Enrique the invitation of Rob VE3PCP from Canada, I be-
XE2AA (Leader), Paty XE1SPM (yl), Ismael gan to work under his supervision. In my
XE1AY, Javier XE1JR, Javier Xe1JKW and Ricardo XE1SY. Bismarck apartment in St. Petersburg I do not have a Shack
XE1BSY and Tomas XE1YMK were part of the support team. Shark for reasons known to many city radio amateurs. If there is good
Island is the largest Mexican island in the Gulf of California and Internet at both ends, then the delay in signal transmission is mi-
has an area of 1,208 km . It is separated from the continent by a nimal and barely perceptible. Under the supervision of Rob and
narrow channel only three kilometers wide called the Infernillo under the callsign of his club station VA3YLR, we worked a lot of
Strait. The island is uninhabited, with the exception of a military Yls on the air from different countries. I plan to use remote radio
facility located on the eastern side. It is managed as an ecological when I can’t get on the air portable (i.e. from September to May
reserve. when it’s cold here in northern Europe) and I don’t have access
to the Shack in Finland. The remote ham radio allows you to go
On-Air from Russia via a on the air in cases where this is not possible in the normal way.
Remote Station in Canada This may attract new radio amateurs, especially from cities. Some
YL Raisa 11h Dec. 10, 2022 R1BIG / remote stations ask for payment for the use of their equipment
OH7BG / OH73ELK and antennas However in Robìs case, it was free for us. In order
Sometimes we criticize something new to make my work remotely across Canada more personal, I deci-
just because we have prejudices. I once again convinced myself ded to take the Canadian callsign exam to work from there with
of this on the example of a remote ham radio. At first, I treated my own callsign (however, this would still require the supervision
this option of working on the air as some kind of fake of a station manager). It was the third similar exam
substitute, an imitation of real work on the air. But programm and thanks to Chris VO1IDX I passed the
practical real experience changed my mind. Of cour- basic with honours. Thanks to Rob and Chris for this
se, it is more pleasant to participate in the construc- opportunity! By the way, in Canada there is an ama-
tion and installation and tuning of your own antennas zing rule that call signs are issued once and for life,
Q TC U.R. I. - - Union e Radioamato ri Ita li ani Anno 8° - - N. 76 - - Ge nnai o 202 3 Pag. 91
Pag. 91
U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani
Anno 8° - N. 76 - Gennaio 2023
e Radioamato