Page 93 - Unione Radioamatori Italiani - Gennaio 2023
P. 93
EchoLink! I love using it and helping new hams get set up with it! tennas and technical aspect of amateur radio
It’s really a fun way to make contacts locally and around the broadcasting. And also with the compu-
world ( ter. They called the group Kikina, which had
What is Echolink? And why should I use it? EchoLink is an Ama- over 75 members. As the group enjoyed Con-
teur Radio system that allows radio amateurs to communicate tests and contacts with other communities
with other amateur radio operators using VoIP (Voice over Inter- they held their first Contest on May 17, 2005,
net Protocol) technology on the Internet for at least part of the called the KIKI Contest. During May 2020, Mi-
path between them. EchoLink allows reliable worldwide connec- la OK1KI advised: Considering that I have in-
tion to be made between radio amateurs. Similar to other VoIP curable cancer and I have little time left, I
applications (such as Skype) but with the unique ability to link to wanted to end the club's activities in mid-
other Ham repeaters or transceivers for long distances using only May, which I probably won’t be able to do. Shortly afterwards,
an amateur radio transceiver or repeater; to link to smart- the mascot of the KIKI club, a small female dog Betynka- died on
phones, tablets or computers that have an EchoLink node. June 16, 2020, just as the KIKI club was about to end. “When I am
Who can use Echolink? Only licensed Ham’s. finished with chemotherapy, my daughter will bring me to you in
How much does it cost? It is free. Where do I get it? For Apple Vysočany, to say goodbye and officially end the club’s activities”.
users, you get it at the Apple Store and can use it on iPhone and 30.11.2020 Dear members of the KIKI fan club, due to very se-
iPad. For Android phones and tablets get it at the Google Play rious health reasons, I am ending the activities of the KIKI fan
Store. For computers you get it at the website. club after more than 15 years. K4TKS Barbara Jean (McCormick) Clark [January 15, 1931. - No-
original-archives/ vember 30, 2022] - She married Edward McCormick, and they
moved to Virginia in 1960 where she spent 32 years. Edward died
Silent Keys in 1984. Barbara married Gilman Clark in 1992 and was resident
OK1KI Milada Sebestova of Praha in Czech Republic became Si- in Lake Forest, Illinoi until her death. One of few women who
lent Key. On 23.1. 2021, at 2:30 p.m., Mrs. Míla Šebestová OK1KI were HAM Radio operators in the 1950/1960 period, her soft
died at home. at the age of 80. In 2005 radio amateurs from Pra- southern voice ended Ham radio conversations with, “This is
gue and the surrounding area, who met every first Monday of the K4TKS signing off”. She was featured in a full-page article in the
month at the historic Na Výtoni pub, decided that it was necessa- Newport News, Virginia Times Herald in April 1964 for her ama-
ry for someone to help Mila OK1KI with station maintenance, an- teur radio involvement.
Q TC U.R. I. - - Union e Radioamato ri Ita li ani Anno 8° - - N. 76 - - Ge nnai o 202 3 Pag. 93
Pag. 93
U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani
Anno 8° - N. 76 - Gennaio 2023
e Radioamato